This can be referred to as brand awareness, and it’s a strong marketing tool. Why? Because people who can make a sale will address the brand that readily comes to mind first. What’s unaided brand recollection? This happens when a product is the first one to come to a buyer’s mind when they can make a sale, with no prompting from the brand.
What Is Brand Awareness?
Brand awareness refers to a person’s ability to identify familiar aspects of a business and its marketing items. This could mean recalling a slogan, recognizing a logo, or remembering a marketing message. It also means building positive feelings and beliefs about a business and creating an image of the business that causes customers to talk knowingly about it. When customers drive down the road and see your logo or hear your jingle on the radio, and instantly connect that with your business, you’ve achieved strong brand awareness.
Why Is Brand Awareness Important?
When people are aware of your brand, logo, and other marketing, you’ll sell more. People are more likely to buy from a brand they know or click on a website from a brand they’re aware of. It takes time to create brand awareness, but once you reach the point where people know your brand well, you’ll have their trust, which will lead to increased sales and loyalty from your customers.
How do you Build Brand Awareness?
Building brand awareness doesn’t happen overnight. It starts with creating your marketing goals. Set realistic goals that you can measure, then start building your branding around them.
Next, you need to have the right marketing tools. You will need a slogan, logo, and radio jingle, at the very least. These must be easy to recognize, uniquely yours, and catchy so your target market will remember them.
Once you have your marketing tools in place, start marketing across multiple channels. Create the same message across radio, online advertising, print advertising, and other media platforms. Choose platforms with the potential to reach a lot of people and target your ads carefully so they reach the right market.
You can use networking, social media, content marketing, referrals, Google AdWords, and SEO to market your business, all very affordably. Be willing, however, to invest in other forms of advertising to help build that awareness even more effectively.